Best Ways Of Caring Your Engagement Ring

Author: yashovardhan sharma on Feb 26,2018

Got engaged lately? This is the time you don’t have to worry about the luxe of your engagement ring. A shine of the ring is quintessentially essential and probably the second important thing to care for (after the beauty of diamond). After all, you’ve spent dollars to this precious accessory that is going o be with you all life long, so keeping this in mind, you need to ensure that it stays as sparkling as you just bought it. This band is meant to last a lifetime, so we have come with some best ways that show your love and affection for your ring:

Care Is Real Charm

In this article, we are going to share few do’s and don'ts of taking care of your ring. However, before we hop onto the don’ts, let’s give it a positive direction to this post by talking about the dos of it. So read on to unveil the things to be considered while taking care of your precious wedding band.

Things To Do

These suggestions and recommendations should be considered if you want your engagement ring to look as new as newly bought.

Insurance acts a life-saving jacket

Ring Insurance protects the financial investment that you have made in your ring. So, while buying your ring ask your store manager to offer you the best insurance that can protect your fiance even if it is damaged or lost. Just in case, if you lose your accessory or damaged it badly, your umbrella (insurance) will keep the expense at a bay and rather will offer you a chance to repair it at no cost.

Cleaning is KING

Cleaning is an essential process that you can’t skip as it will boost the life of your wedding ring or engagement ring. Therefore, cleaning is a mandatory process that you have to do without fail. There are many couples who go for homemade cleaning process which is not up to the mark as a professional cleaning procedure can do wonders for your ring. If you are looking to get your ring cleaned, make sure it has to be done by a professional who can do justice to your special and precious band.

Things Not To Do

Harsh Chemicals are REAL HARSH

Ensure to take off your ring while putting your hand into harsh chemicals as it can harm the shine and could also result in shortening the life of ring. There are many chemicals that can react with the metal used in the ring which can decolor your ring and could lead to affect the metal of it.

Do not remove your ring often

There are high chances of losing your ring if it is removed in public. So it is always recommended to not to remove your ring in a crowd just to make sure that it is safe in your hand. Removing your expensive and valuable jewelry often could make it loose to your finger which will result in losing your property.

Last Words

After going through this post, you don’t have to look further for getting the information on how to care your ring. So what are you waiting for, start implementing these suggestions if your ring is started losing its shine? 

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