5 Grammatical Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Wedding Invitation Wording

Editor: Karan Rawat on Nov 20,2017

Wedding Invitation Wording is something that has capabilities of overshadowing the grand aura of your wedding invitation, your efforts in making the card (in case you make a DIY invitation), and your emotions attached to it.

In this article, let’s learn how to avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes when writing a wedding invitation. Here’s the list of some common mistakes that most of the couples do leading to an incorrect wedding invitation wording.

Be with us in this article so that you do not repeat the same.

Spell a Guest’s Name Wrong

You cannot imagine how bad it feels when a person sees his/her name misspelled unless or until you have gone through a similar situation. If you do not want your guests to feel the same, triple check the names printed on the wedding card for spellings. For better results, take one or two people along with you to proofread the wedding card for spell check and other mistakes.

This small step may seem time-consuming but at the same time it reassures you of no spelling mistakes are there on the card and your guests will be happy to see their names on the invitation.

Incorrect Wedding Invitation Wording

When it’s come to sending a wedding invitation, having a proper understanding of wedding invitation wording plays a significant role. Most of the couples in the excitement of doing something creative and different ignore the basics of wedding invitation etiquettes. Make sure you are not one of them.

Your wedding invitation wording should include everything from Who you are to what are you doing and when and where are you doing? These basic things should be arranged in a traditional format which every guest actually love to see because the main purpose of sending the wedding invitation is passing the information to all the guests and no creativity or DIY idea can change this motto.

So, tell your creative soul to calm down for some time and see whether your wedding card is following correct wordings or not. It would be better if you ask your parents or other experienced people for help.

Give an Incomplete Information

If you keep on proofreading your wedding invitation wordings for long, chances are there that you will ignore some important information which is supposed to be on the card. This is what happened with Kate at her wedding. She was so excited about her wedding invitation that she forgets to add the wedding venue details on the card. Fortunately, her friend noticed it and informed her.

This is one more reason why you should take another guy with you when proofreading the wedding card details and wording.

Tip: Have a checklist of main elements of the wedding invitation on a paper i.e. Host line, Name of the Couple, Action Line, Date & Time, Venue, and Party Line. Before you start proofreading, check for these 6 elements and then go further for spelling and grammatically mistakes.

Resist the Shift Key

There are some capitalization mistakes that couple do while writing their wedding invitation. Experts say, wedding attire and counts never follow capitalization. This means if you are writing a wedding date, you should write “Two thousand eighteen” instead of “Two Thousand Eighteen”.

Similarly, if you are writing about any specific dress code, the capitalization should limit to the first alphabet only.

For example, writing Black Shirt and Black Tie will be incorrect. Instead of that, you should write Black shirt and black tie.

In Conclusion

These are a few grammatical mistakes that couples do when writing a wedding invitation wording. Through the content of this article, we tried to throw light on 4 most common wedding invitation wording mistakes. We will keep updating this list in coming time. In case, you want to share something that deserves to be listed here, do let us know.

Leave your suggestions in the comment box. We would love to hear from you.

This content was created by AI

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