How to Shop for the Best Wedding Cake

Editor: Priyanka Saxena on Nov 19,2017
away best wedding cake

Struggling with thoughts like which wedding cake to choose and which not? Want something different at your wedding cake cutting event?

Be with us in this article and learn all about wedding cake ideas that actually work.

1. It all starts with a good bakery

This is the first step that decides, how good your wedding cake is going to be. Do your level best to find out a bakery which is known for its yummiest wedding cakes.

If you are not feeling confident, do not hesitate to ask your friends or their friends to fund out the same for you. Make a call to your best friends who have a sweet tooth. Finding a good bakery won't be a challenge for them. You will get some good bakery names from their end and it will surely work for you.

Another idea to get some popular bakery names in your area is, leave this message on your WhatsApp group and see the response. Write down all the names at one place and get ready for the next step, cake tasting.

2. Let the wedding cake match up your style

You have the wedding dress, the wedding ring, and the wedding theme that reflect your style. Don't you want your wedding cake to reflect the same lifestyle too? Of course, you would. 

So, keep your wedding style in your mind while buying a wedding cake. You can think of a round cake mounted with buttercream frosting or the one wrapped in fondant coating. But, make sure you do not cross your budget lines. Because each style comes with additional costing and you should be ready to bear the expenses.

3. Online review and word mouth

No matter how beautiful and grand wedding cake you order for your wedding reception, if it's not good in taste, your guests won't be loving it at all. At one point, you can think of compromising with the looks, not with the quality. You can take help from a few online portals and get some reviews from there.   It will help you choose the right baker delivering service in your area.

Another thing you can do is that you can take help from some word mouth. How about asking your friend or colleague, "have you tried desserts or something from XYZ baker’s shop"? In such way, you will get some helpful reviews from trusted persons around you.

4. Don’t forget the display factor

This is another factor that can add or steal some effects from your wedding cake is, the Cake Display. How you display a beautifully decorated wedding cake in front of your guest, matters a lot. 

The placement of the wedding cake depends on your wedding style. For example, if you are having an outdoor wedding, you will be placing the cake on a table in open. In this case, you will focus on lighting, table décor, and flowers. In another case, if you are planning to get married in an indoor resort or banquet, the wedding cake will not require lighting and so much décor because the venue staff will do that at their end. But, yes you should focus on whether the cake display is matching your wedding theme or not.

5. Surprise your guests with deserts

No doubt, the wedding cake is one of the essential elements of your wedding and you will splurge money to make it as grand as you can. In case, you are planning a small wedding budget, you can actually cut this cost. How about treating your guests with a dessert or pastry in replacement of wedding cake?

Just think about that.

You can also try mixing some deserts along with a small wedding cake. In this case, you won’t be splurging money on a large wedding cake and hence, save a small fortune for other things.

So, beat the traditional way of cutting the wedding cake. Rather, surprise your guests with some delicious pies and pastries.

The Conclusion

Every wedding is different so as the thoughts and emotions attached. Cake cutting plays a significant role in a wedding so make sure you present it well in front of your guests. Tips and tricks mentioned in this article can help you achieve this goal.

Hope this works for you.

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This content was created by AI

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